Sugitoh Co.,Ltd.
TOP PAGE/ Product Information/ Loupe/ Large Micrometer
Large Loupe with Scale Attachable to the digital camera in order to store the image.
Magnification 5.9x Large Loupe with scale
Large Loupe installed with scale (Min scale 0.1mm) installed
White LED ring light is attachable(Optional)
Battery box with light control is required.(Optional)
Digital Camera is attachable (Optional)
By attaching Digital Camera Adapter (optional), captured image can be sotred in order to create report.
  Large Micrometer
   LED light adapter (Optional)
  Battery Box with light controller(Optional)
Large Micrometer TS-4-5.9
P/N Description Mag. Length Measurable range Min. Scale div. W.D. Weight Price
TS-4-5.9 Large Micrometer 5.9x 75mm 54mm 0.1 25mm 290g obsolete
P/N Description Note Price
TS-3-LED LED light adapter for large microloupe or micrometer White LED light obsolete
TS-8L-LCCN Battery box with light control Dedicated power supply for TS-3-LED
TS-AD-DGB Digital Camera Adapte 5.9x
Attach TS-3-LED to S-4-5.9 TS-8L-LCCN TS-AD-DGB